““The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” ”
Imagine if we all took the time to start with self-love, to find peace within our own body, mind and spirit. I think of it as the “oxygen mask theory”. You know when you’re on the plane and the flight attendants go through their spiel about how important it is to make sure you have secured your own oxygen mask before helping others. Well, really this is what life is like. If we haven’t learned to make ourselves a priority, to love and nurture ourselves first, then how will we be equipped to do that for others?
This wasn’t an easy lesson for me. For the first half of my life, the only way I knew how to nurture myself was with food, and not in a healthy way. But slowly I woke up, to have the desire to enjoy this embodiment. As I sought out ways to connect and learn about myself, yoga and bodywork entered my life almost simultaneously. The more I immersed myself in wellness the more I wanted to learn. Reiki and Wellness Coaching became additional tools I layered in over time.
My students and clients will find that I am passionate about creating a culture of wellness. For almost 25 years I have been able to support others in nurturing body, mind and spirit.
With a background in Anusara, Vinyasa and Hatha, I enjoy teaching yoga classes that provide a creative combination of movement with a clear focus on alignment and anatomy. I am passionate about sharing the benefits of yoga with my students and hope they are able to take these tools off their mat into everyday life to provide balance and well-being in all aspects of their lives.
What I love about wellness coaching is supporting each person’s individual journey. To help you discover what wellness looks like for you and guide you in getting there, one step at a time. There is no magic formula, but instead building sustainable habits that will help you to thrive.
How can I support you?